Can safety, fun and design be connected to service?

Can safety, fun and design be connected to service?

Can safety, fun and design be connected?

Surely you have gone through some sort of safety training in the past. It might have been first aid, fire safety, food hygiene or some other type of safety-related training. No? Have you flown before? If yes, the emergency procedures introduction on the plane also counts.

Now, does safety training need to be boring? Not at all. Safety training can be fun and well designed, but their are some basic rules that you need to follow. Watch the following video, look at the consistency of this hilarious presentation.

What makes this presentation acceptable from a compliance perspective is the consistency of presentation. Have the emergency points been explained – yes? Has it been scripted or was it ad-hoc? It was scripted and that was clearly visible from the point that the same message was conveyed with the same mimic twice. And here is the basic rule. Fun in safety is not an ad-hoc inspiration. It must be well scripted and should not distract from the actual message.

What about the design elements? The same rules apply. A well thought off design does not distract from the positioning and arrangement of safety equipment. A well-known designer has made an effort to incorporate safety equipment in the office environment. Note the hight, location and visibility of the equipment. None of the safety standards was jeopardized.


Well, safety can have design elements and be fun – inspiring! – TrainingLibrary

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