The European Union Targets minus 55% CO2 Emission by 2030. What does that globally mean for Shipping? (Part 1)

The global race for reducing CO2 Emission is on. The United States has pledged to zero-emission by 2050, with the power generation sector supposedly reaching this goal in 2035. China has also pledged to achieve zero-emission by 2060. Why ten years later? Simply because in Asia and globally, China is one of the biggest emitters of CO2, and it will probably take longer to change practice.

The most inspiring responsible tourism accommodation provider or an unusual view behind the scene.

Our philosophy of Intelligent Luxury revolves around understanding what true luxury is for our guests today. Today, wealthy members of society are markedly different from those in the past, and their idea of luxury has similarly changed. For guests who live in congested and polluted concrete jungles, it is a luxury to dine on a freshly picked salad, grwom in our organic garden while breathing fresh air and enjoying a stunning view. Such experience is rare in a the modern world, and combined with the space, privacy and comfort of our villas and the intuitive service provided by our hosts, we create intelligent luxury.

Switching sides or switching focus

Switching sides is based on the belief of a Customer Service Development department (CSD) versus a Learning and Development department (L&D). Three strategic stages connect and enable the CSD namely; Waigaya, a base for creative customer service development; Poka Joke, a practice for quality assurance and fail saving;  and The Community of Practice, a development zone for active knowledge sharing.

Lominger 67 Competencies

Lominger's 67 competencies are often used to classify the leadership styles and competencies within your team. The describtions allow to be used as a based for leadership development as well as the development of review forms.